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Chapter 1 Blog Post

I can’t say anything truly jumped out at me in a way that captivated my foremost interest. It all seemed like it was trying to rebuild potentially forgotten knowledge in order to set the stage for the course. But perhaps restating the basics are incredibly important in order to make sure everyone has a good starting point of expectations and information; even if that means the textbook must momentarily fail to captivate its audience, unlike most textbooks, that of which are always filled with incredibly delightful reads. But if I must pick my poison as to what interested me the most then I suppose its conversation on the changing nature of genre drew my eye. It’s hard not to appreciate the essence of written word, which is how fickle it is. In the example of the former slave, Annie L. Burton, the most successful way to spread her story was via a memoir, but, as pointed out by the text, a documentary would likely suit her goal better in the modern world. I’ll make the unfair assumption that her story wouldn’t grow to fame in todays world if it were presented in a written fashion; which saddens me. People tend to gravitate to the art of moving pictures rather than literature.

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