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Project 2 Reflection

Preparing for this project was fairly difficult for me but once I got on track everything came to me for the most part. As a writer this opened me up to kind of remixing research papers so they're not these overly wordy and purely factual pieces. Basing a research paper off of a lot of opinion based analysis originally didn't seem like a potential convention of a research paper in the sense that I'm used to; so obviously a huge hump I had to get over was how to approach a paper like this. More so this paper helped me figure out how to make paragraphs that flow together well through appropriately splitting up long paragraphs into general categories which made my paper easier to read.

In regards to me as a researcher it helped me be more analytical of sources I found. Much of the information present to me often involved poor testing which yielded, in my opinion, unreliable results. This forced me to evaluate sources to a greater degree so I didn't make points in my paper that revolved around false information.

Project 2 made me think more creatively to discover new ways to argue for or against a point. Initially I had a set idea of what I wanted to talk about but quickly realized that these ideas weren't going to provide a sufficient source of content. I had to think outside of the box.

Overall the writing of this paper helped me become both a better writer and researcher.

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